Rosewood’s Leadership Team participated in an obstacle course this past weekend and was reminded what teamwork is all about. Executive Director Lee Neagle, Clinical Director, Dr. Dena Cabrera and Recovery Coach, Shannon Hershkowitz participated in a Spartan race. We trudged up and down hills, scaled 8 ft walls, climbed ropes, carried cement boulders, slogged through mud, rolled under barbed wire and threw spears—pushing our bodies the whole way. Several times I found myself asking, “What did I get myself into?” We were tuned into every ache, cramp and bruise on our body. I felt every rock in my shoe and every breath was filled with dirt. It was not an easy race and I found that I could not do several of the obstacles and required help from my team. Whether that was lifting me over the wall, spotting me down or lifting heavy sandbags. Sometimes, I just opted out and did burpees. I had to step off the track several times to take a few deep breaths before getting back out there in the race. Nonetheless, we kept pushing forward together and kept moving in the right direction. You see, it’s not about how fast you finish, it’s about completing each obstacle. Trying to do it by yourself with using your skills and asking for help if you need it. Isn’t this what recovery is all about, Teamwork? It’s exhausting, isn’t it? We can’t do this alone. Yes, you feel the aches and pains. There are times that you say “I can’t do this.” You feel panicked and have trouble breathing at times. Sometimes you fall and have trouble getting back up. There are times that you have to detour. Occasionally you have to ask for help. There is nothing wrong with this. It’s not a failure or a sign of weakness. This is what recovery looks like. It’s messy. You are constantly learning and moving. You can’t stand still in recovery. If you’re not recovering, you’re relapsing. Keep taking those deep breaths and getting back up. Keep doing those obstacles. You need your teammates to pick you up and help you to keep going. Motivation, encouragement and support along the way. For me, I could not have done this race without Lee and Dena. They were my support. What does your support look like? If you find yourself alone, it’s time that you re-evaluate and get back on track. Back to the basics! Shannon Alumni Recovery Coach Rosewood Centers For Eating Disorders-OperationRecoverED