Three Common Obstacles to Ongoing Recovery – and How to Avoid Them
It’s often said, in hashtags and elsewhere that recovery is possible, and of course, it is. But the truth is, recovery from an eating disorder is never an easy process, and it’s often a long-term one.Triggers for relapse can happen at any time and to anyone. While most treatment centers work to get their clients
Explaining the Basics of Recovering from Bulimia Nervosa
Treatment for eating disorders is a complex, challenging process involving cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, individual counseling, and group therapy. In addition, bulimia nervosa recovery relies on ongoing support from the client’s family, close friends, and counselors providing outpatient services at eating disorder treatment centers. Before starting the recovery process, eating disorder therapists develop a
What Kinds of Co-Occurring Disorders Come With Eating Disorders?
Co-occurring disorders, a situation where a person has two or more different mental health disorders, are quite common with eating disorders. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there is a strong link between eating disorders and other types of psychiatric disorders. There is a particularly high correlation between eating disorders
A New Way; Emerging Treatment Methods for Binge Eating Disorder
Ever since it was added to the official list of eating disorders in the DSM-V (the diagnostic manual for mental health disorders), the need for binge eating disorder treatment has become obvious. BED is the most common form of eating disorder, but treatment is still in its relative infancy as compared to treatment for other
Three Reasons Transgender People Are at Higher Risk of Developing an Eating Disorder
Eating disorders like bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa (not to mention the most common one, binge eating disorder) are well-known – if you’re reading this, you almost certainly know someone who’s struggled with one of these afflictions. What’s less well-known, however, is that eating disorders affect far more types of people than the common perception
Exposing Widespread Misunderstandings About Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is a well-known but often misunderstood eating disorder that affects millions of men and women worldwide. Most people are familiar with the characteristic symptomatic behavior of self-induced vomiting as a way of purging calories, but bulimia nervosa is more complex than simply one kind of behavior. With so many facets to the disorder,
3 Ways Anxiety Is Helped Through Group Therapy During Binge Eating Disorder Treatment
According to the National Eating Disorder Association, binge eating disorders are one of the newest forms of eating disorder to be formally recognized among the mental health community. This disorder can wreak havoc on a person’s life – a person with binge eating disorder can fall into a recurrent pattern of compulsive eating which affects
Common Types of Therapy Involved in Eating Disorder Treatment
An effective treatment program for eating disorders usually involves a variety of treatment methods. While this may involve medication, most often a combination of talk therapy and cognitive retraining are the focal points. There are several specific types of therapies that can be used for treating eating disorders. The specific types of therapy vary depending
Answering Some Frequently Asked Questions About ARFID
Although there is no single cause of any eating disorder, most include distorted body image as a causative factor. Body dysmorphia is a common cause of well-known eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. However, another less-known disorder is gaining more public knowledge, and unlike those others, it doesn’t list body
How Does Self-Care Help Individuals During Binge Eating Disorder Recovery?
Binge eating disorder is, by most standards, the most common type of eating disorder in the United States.Since it has been added to the DSM-V as a standalone diagnostic category, binge eating disorder has gained prevalence in the public consciousness. Every day, new people make a commitment to treatment for binge eating disorder by entering

I have so much to offer and so much purpose now. I feel like I’ve been reborn. Rosewood’s completely changed my life.

Teen Shares How Rosewood Changed Her Life