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Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

I Beat My Eating Disorder And Drug Addiction

January 9, 2009: I made my life changing journey to Rosewood. It is hard to believe that it has been 8 years. Although I was not able to rid myself of an eating disorder at that time, I was able to two amazing things.

  1. Kick my drug addiction to pills – which had completely taken over my life (Thank you Diana – I  love U and I am forever grateful.)
  2. I started to live my life letting go of the fact that I was a victim. I began living as a SURVIVOR.

Because of these two things, I was able to beat my 35 year eating disorder, and this Spring it will be 3 years.

So totally grateful for everyone along the way. Just after Christmas my daughter, best friend and I came across this sign. I don’t like sharing pictures of myself, but this seems too perfect not to share. So in sharing, it is also a victory for me.

God Bless and keep fighting- the other side is amazing.

Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders

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Rosewood Centers For Eating Disorders

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