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Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

If you’re interested in referring someone to Rosewood, we’re happy to consult with you in complete confidence.
If you have a family member or friend who seems to be struggling with an eating disorder like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or a co-occurring disorder, we understand how challenging these conditions can be—for the patient, their family members and everyone who cares about them. Left untreated, an eating disorder can negatively impact a person’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. We know the disease process can leave family members and friends feeling concerned. Many of our patients find their way to lasting recovery at Rosewood only after a family member or friend cared enough to research the treatment programs available. To refer someone to Rosewood, just fill in the information on this form, click Submit, and one of our professionals will get back with you promptly. You may also find it helpful to use our free online eating disorder assessment tools. Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Disorders Other Eating Disorder An intake specialist will review your results and call you promptly to answer your questions.

Fill in the form below and click “Submit” Button
Patient Information.

[contact-form-7 id="7344" title="Refer a Patient"]

They’ve made me feel loved like they truly care and they’re not just there because it’s their job, but because they want to be there and they want to help you.