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Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Treating Anorexia Nervosa

Eating disorder therapists rely primarily on cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical therapy and family-based therapy as anorexia nervosa treatment modalities. Recent research indicates that interpersonal therapy can also help clients in residential anorexia nervosa treatment centers by focusing on how they develop and manage interpersonal relationships. For example, clients in anorexia nervosa recovery typically describe having

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Three Important Signs Someone You Love Has Anorexia Nervosa

If you’re not specially trained in the diagnosis of mental health disorders, especially eating disorders, you might not know how to spot the telltale signs of anorexia nervosa. This common eating disorder is often hidden by the sufferer; they may claim to be on a strict diet or say they have a fast metabolism to

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What Is Atypical Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is a well-known eating disorder affecting, in large part but not entirely, teenagers and young adults who restrict caloric intake, often causing weight loss and a medically underweight condition.When most people think of someone with symptoms of anorexia nervosa, they think of a person who is thin, frail, and malnourished. However, there is

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Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Treating Anorexia Nervosa

Eating disorder therapists rely primarily on cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical therapy and family-based therapy as anorexia nervosa treatment modalities. Recent research indicates that interpersonal therapy can also help clients in residential anorexia nervosa treatment centers by focusing on how they develop and manage interpersonal relationships. For example, clients in anorexia nervosa recovery typically describe having

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Anorexia Nervosa From Admission to Aftercare

When someone gets diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, they are often at beginning of a very long and arduous recovery process. As a complex mental health disorder, anorexia nervosa needs specialized treatment to overcome, and a consistent commitment to recovery. However, recovery is possible with the right aftercare steps in place and a good support system

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Subtle Signs of Anorexia Nervosa You Might Not Know About

Anorexia nervosa, perhaps the most well-known type of eating disorder, is characterized by restrictive eating, an obsession with body weight and size, and sometimes excessive exercising. In both its typical and atypical forms, rapid weight loss occurs. It can result in the individual becoming severely underweight, as measured against the averages for their age, height,

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What Are the Must-Have Treatments for Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa, as most Americans know, is a behavioral health disease in which people (often but not always young women) perceive themselves as overweight, even when they have lost weight to the point of it affecting their physical health negatively. People with anorexia might fast for days at a time or force themselves to eat

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Anorexia Nervosa From Diagnosis to Recovery

Receiving an anorexia nervosa diagnosis can be the beginning of a very long and challenging process. Eating disorders don’t develop all at once; there are many factors that combine to act as the root causes. Recovery is no different. Treatment begins with a diagnosis, followed by many different treatment techniques and exercises, through discharge and

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