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Creative Quiche

This is a fun recipe that is easily customizable according to your tastes. Enjoy!

Basic Quiche Recipe

  • 6 eggs
  • ½ c. 2% milk
  • ½ c. cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ½-1 c. cooked vegetables
  • 3-5 slices of bread with crusts cut off
  • 2 tsp. butter

Preheat oven to 350. Mix, in a medium sized bowl, eggs and milk together until smooth then add cheese and seasonings. Melt butter and coat the bottom of a 8X8 pan or 8 inch oven safe skillet. Place slices of bread on the pan covering the whole surface. Spread out cooked vegetables evenly on top of the bread. Slowly pour egg mixture on top of vegetables. Bake for 40 minutes.

Creative Variations

  1. Basic Recipe, plus…. ¼ c. Mozzarella, ¼ c. Brie Butternut squash and spinach Rye Mrs. Dash Garlic and Tomato
  2. Basic Recipe, plus… ¼ c. Mozzarella, ¼ c. Cheddar Onion, bell pepper, and tomato White Chili powder and Cumin
  3. Basic Recipe, plus…. ¼ c. Mozzarella, ¼ c. Fontina Zucchini and Arugula Pumpernickel Italian seasoning
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