One of the hallmarks of eating disorders is a preoccupation with thinking about the body, weight, food and calories. Instead of engaging in activities that bring joy, like gratitude, people with eating disorders disengage from friends and family, and in many ways, life itself.
One way to reengage is to practice gratitude – to think about the things we’re thankful for. It may sound obvious. But as with other changes we all try to make, it’s not always easy to set aside negative or self-sabotaging thoughts and look for sources of light and happiness – whether it’s something as profound as the love of family and friends or as simple as having the ability to go for a walk on a sunny winter day.
Recovery from eating disorders can be a long process, with many ups and down. On the difficult days, taking a few moments to really think about the things that you’re thankful for can lift the spirits and provide the strength to keep going – for people with eating disorders, and for all of us.