Before you set your 2018 resolutions, I’d like you to do something for me. Look in the mirror. Don’t look and fixate on your flaws. Give yourself a positive affirmation. Look at the amazing and beautiful human being you are. Are you a mom, dad, child, spouse, aunt, uncle, brother or sister? Are you a friend to others? I’m sure you take good care of those you love and more than likely put them before your own needs. For 2018, I want to encourage you to invest in yourself. The most common and failed resolution is weight loss. I am a believer that if you invest in yourself and work on a healthy relationship with yourself, your body will adjust and take care of you. What do you love to do? Is it art? Mother nature? Family time? Travel? We make time for the things we love. Love yourself and MAKE THE TIME to do things that decrease your stress and make you smile and feel more relaxed. You are the most important person in your life. We only have one body. Making yourself a priority is not selfish, it is a necessity. Think before you set those goals. I don’t want you to set yourself up for failure. Dreams don’t have to be dreams. You are worthy of an incredible 2018! Happy New Year!
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