Discovery of Obesity-Related Mechanism
A joint research team discovered that certain antibodies in the blood of morbidly obese patients has an effect on the body’s natural mechanisms that determine hunger and satiation. The stomach releases the hormone ghrelin to signal the brain that it is hungry. The antibodies, or immunoglobulins, present in obese people’s blood binds to this hormone and prevents it from being broken down at its normal rate. This allows the hormone to work on the brain longer, stimulating appetite even if there is no nutrition need of food. Read and download the study here. Rosewood Tempe is part of the full continuum of care offered by Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders. Binge eating disorder is a relatively recently recognized disorder (it is sometimes referred to as compulsive overeating). Some researchers believe it is the most common of the eating disorders affecting millions of Americans. Almost everyone overeats on occasion, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal, but, for some people, overeating crosses the line to binge-eating disorder and it becomes a regular occurrence, shrouded in secrecy. To learn more about BED and treatment options visit Rosewood’s website.