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Common Types of Therapy Involved in Eating Disorder Treatment

An effective treatment program for eating disorders usually involves a variety of treatment methods. While this may involve medication, most often a combination of talk therapy and cognitive retraining are the focal points. There are several specific types of therapies that can be used for treating eating disorders. The specific types of therapy vary depending

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Providing Binge Eating Disorder Recovery in Men

Of the estimated 10 million people in the United States who have presentations of Binge Eating Disorder (BINGE EATING DISORDER) requiring eating disorder support, even to the point of a stay at an eating disorder recovery center, about 40 percent are men.  This stands in stark contrast to the gender split found in disorders like

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How Does Body Image Influence Eating Disorder Development in Teenagers?

Body image influences almost everyone at some point in their lives, if not constantly throughout their lives. It’s how a person sees themselves; do you see yourself as tall? Short? Pretty? Ugly? Skinny? Important to developing eating disorders – “fat?” As children enter into adolescence, they go through several different physical and emotional changes. During

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What Are the Signs and Causes of Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder, recognized officially by the psychiatric community as a mental health disorder upon its addition to the DSM-V in 2013, is the most common form of eating disorder in the United States. When people have binge eating disorder, they feel compelled to have “binge eating episodes” in which they eat a large amount

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Binge Eating Disorder – Not Only Young People Are Affected

The prevailing point of view among people who aren’t part of the treatment industry (or patients themselves) is that eating disorders are something that only happens to young adults. Unfortunately, these kinds of misconceptions can lead to missing the telltale symptoms of binge eating disorder and other kinds of eating disorders in populations that don’t

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