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Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

I never thought I would survive, let alone recover from my eating disorder and live the life of freedom that I do today.

I never thought I would survive, let alone recover from my eating disorder and live the life of freedom that I do today. Rosewood was my final treatment center- the staff and my peers helped me find the tools to save my own life. And I did. I went from a death sentence to a life so full and vibrant today that it often brings me to tears of gratitude. Since my time at Rosewood I finished college, obtained a Masters degree, built loving and satisfying relationships and I have learned to truly cherish myself. I can honestly say I love my body, I love my life and I love myself. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about how grateful I am for freedom. I am happy, I am healthy and I am free. I fought hard and I won. Complete freedom is possible because it is my everyday life.