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Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

Rosewood brought hope, love, compassion, empathy and knowledge into our lives as we struggled to deal with our granddaughter’s/daughter’s Eating Disorder.

Rosewood brought hope, love, compassion, empathy and knowledge into our lives as we struggled to deal with our granddaughter’s/daughter’s Eating Disorder. Family Week is a must because it opens the door and helps each family understand not only what is going on today, what to expect tomorrow and then gives hope for the future. Everyone affiliated with Rosewood was kind, patient and professional in such a caring way. May God Bless the professional staff that seem to be available at all hours, and who, within 24 hours, returned phone calls and emails. Thank you for not sugar coating the recovery process, but at the same time, giving us each the hope and determination to move forward!