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Speak to a Rosewood Specialist

Rosewood Alum Describes Why The Little Things Matter On Her Recovery Journey

For close to 25 years, I was never able to grow my nails due to the effects of my bulimia & its’ partner in crime – anorexia.  I also chewed on my nails & cuticles to the point where they would crack and bleed. About three months ago, I had a horrible day.  I was struggling hard, not only with ED, but with my sobriety.  I have been sober for almost two and a half years now.  I had not felt an urge to act out in every behavior possible like I did at that time.  I cried by myself for three hours.  All I wanted was to forget – to just be numb.  Instead I let myself cry, scream & sob.  And in all this madness my sister somewhat saved me by painting my nails.  My nails had grown & she pointed out how healthy they looked & how she couldn’t remember a time when I didn’t have nubs for fingers. Painting my nails has become a weekly routine, now a part of my self-care, an aspect I believe a lot of us lose sight of in recovery.  It’s these little things that are a daily reminder of where I’ve been and how I continue to put in the hard work to ensure that I never go back. Find Your Voice. Use Your Words. Speak Your Truth. Kelli

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Rosewood Alum

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