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What are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are serious medical conditions characterized by eating behaviors that are detrimental to the physical and mental health of the individual suffering from them. When an individual is suffering from an eating disorder, their emotional state and ability to function properly are severely compromised. Around the world, the most common eating disorders are binge eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, and anorexia nervosa. Learn more about the characteristics of anorexia and bulimia, along with other common eating disorders.

Eating Disorders Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Eating disorders are complex illnesses that could be life-threatening if not treated. These behaviors will most often hurt the body’s ability to get proper nutrition, eventually harming the bones, teeth, digestive system, heart, and more.

Disorders involving eating often present themselves during the young adult and teen years, though they can also come about later or earlier in life. With proper treatment for eating disorders, they can be overcome and serious health consequences can often be reversed.

Rosewood Treats:

Rosewood Can Help

Our programs have succeeded because of our comprehensive approach to treatment for eating disorders and our flexible options that meet every patient where they are. As a result, patients who experience our program experience mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual healing on their own terms along with addressing different types of body image disorders.

Rosewood provides a variety of environments that support each patient’s recovery through a community of healing and is one of the nation’s most well respected placed to get help for eating disorders. Patients reinforce one another’s progress as they practice mindfulness and healthy decision-making together. In this way, they develop confidence in their abilities to to manage their lives proactively, without reverting to automatic, unthinking habits that are self-destructive. To support this important goal, every patient participates in our robust aftercare program.

Our attitude at Rosewood is respectful, compassionate, empowering. At no time do our patients have cause to feel shamed, judged or scrutinized. We recognize that every patient is on their own unique journey, with its own challenges, that an eating disorder or co-occurring disorder is a medical disease—not a personal failing. Our professionals know that patient trust must be earned and that every patient has the internal strength to recover fully and joyfully. That strength is there, waiting to be channeled.

Our Approach to Treating  Eating Disorders

At Rosewood, each eating disorder treatment program is built upon a common set of goals that reflect each patient’s unique case. These include:

  • Ensure the patient is medically stabilized, at a weight that’s appropriate for him/her; provide any detoxification under careful medical supervision if required.
  • Develop a personalized eating disorder treatment plan with input from our multidisciplinary team as well as the patient and family members.
  • Work with the patient to detect and deal with any co-occurring disorders such as a psychiatric illness and psychological challenges associated with the eating disorder.
  • Focus on behaviors and thinking processes that affect progress toward lasting recovery.
  • Proactively prepare each patient with comprehensive aftercare plans including relapse prevention.
We are here to help you.

Rosewood did what I could not do for myself. They led me to health, stability and sanity.

Free Eating Disorder Assessment

If you think that you or someone you love may have an eating disorder, take one of our free online assessments to see if your symptoms align. If you are under 18 years of age, you must complete this form with the help of a parent, and your parent must be involved in all aspects of the communication about your online assessment.

You may also call the Rosewood staff 24/7 with any questions or concerns you may have: (888) 228-1253. We look forward to speaking with you.

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